Sunday, October 2, 2011

Today is Sunday, Mike and I picked up my parents' puppy, Stella, and brought her back to the house to play with Mike's puppy, Chelsea.  The Bears won, and I may have found a dog walker for my dog, Maggie.  It's been a pretty good day. 

Friday's doctor appointment turned out to be painful - but not for the Lupron shot.  I had thought there would be some kind of pomp and circumstance around the shot - asking me if I understood the side effects or how Lupron works on your brain.  Nothing.  I didn't even see the doctor before the shot.  For all the literature on this drug, I'm starting to think all the hype is overreactions. 

When Dr. Anderson entered the room, I asked her about the memory loss - is it the "I forgot how I got to work" memory loss?  Or the "I forgot my name" type?  She says she's never had a patient experience side effects aside from the hot flashes, and she's been administering it for years.  Good enough for me.

The painful part was the IUD.  HOLY SHIT.  I was not prepared for the cramping, not just in the office but for the remainder of the day.  I ended up getting sick by the end of the night, but I don't know if it was bad food, the shot or the IUD.

As this weekend comes to a close, I look forward to this week at work.  A major project kicks off, it's a once in a lifetime kind of thing.  Hopefully I can find a dog walker this week to remove that stressor in my life.  Aside from this endometriosis diagnosis/surgery/shot, life's been pretty good. 

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